Condo Renovation Rules Singapore: #8 Things You Should Know Before Getting Started




Planning to renovate your condominium unit? At some point in your life, you will think about renovating your house or upgrading it especially if you’ve just bought a new property or you want to redesign the entire unit.  Renovating is an exciting and fun project to have but renovating a condo unit is a totally different thing from renovating any other type of house like HDBs and landed properties.

There are a lot of legalities and things to consider before you get in touch with a designer or contractor. But no worries! We’ve got you covered. In this blog, we’ll talk about everything you should know about condo renovation rules in Singapore so that your renovation process will go smoothly.

1. Be clear of the changes you want to make.


Before you start anything, create a list of the changes that you want to make. This includes the things you want to be removed, upgraded, and added. You need to have a clearer vision of what you would like your new space to look like. This will not only give you at least a rough estimate on the project costs but it will also set the way of your planning and will direct you to the next steps to take.

2. Obtain planning permission.


Keep in mind that any kind of renovation that will result in an increase in the Gross Floor Area (GFA) will have to be approved by the planning department. The Management Corporation’s Secretary or Chairperson must give you a letter that states their 90% approval to continue with the proposed works you have for the unit.

3. Get a management corporation approval for any changes.


The management corporation may have set out rules and limitations for what types of modifications can be done in the unit. Some of the things they may impose include the amount of time and what day or time of the week that renovation work will be done. These rules can differ in a variety of properties/ buildings. Certain condominiums do not allow features such as glass curtains. It is therefore advisable to get a remodeling professional who has experience in remodeling condo units and who has knowledge about the rules and regulations that these properties commonly have.

4. Know the Condo Renovation Rules Singapore restrictions.


Be updated on the latest rules and regulations of the estate’s management so you can craft a detailed plan on the things you can and can’t do. Doing this will prevent you from making any mistakes as you go along with the process. For example, are building lofts, adding walls, enclosing balconies, and others. Some condos may allow it but with minimal rules while others may not.

This also applies when you’re looking for a condo to buy. If you’re planning to renovate it in the future, find out what the estate’s rules are when it comes to renovating so that you’ll know how many changes you can make and help you better decide whether the unit is the right one for you.

5. Access to the unit might be limited.


Your Renovation Professional’s access should be arranged by your Management Agent (MA). If your condominium just received a Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP), the likelihood is there are a lot of other improvements going on. As a result, the elevator and guest parking lots are limited in terms of availability and accessibility.

Make sure to notify the MA staff, particularly the security officers, ahead who will be working on the renovations and when they will require access. In a situation where access to the buildings is restricted, a qualified Renovation Professional will account for the anticipated delays and devise an alternative plan in place.

6. Make plans to have the bulky renovation waste removed.


Renovation Professionals are in charge of removing and disposing of rubbish created during renovations although some HDB flats and Condo Renovation Rules Singapore provide this service. Flammables, wet cement, and sticky materials, for example, should not be placed in the garbage conveyors. Before removing any debris, check with the MA to see if there are any rules to observe.

Waste disposal schedules should be communicated to the MA. You’re also on the hook for the expense of replacing and/or fixing the waste chute. Additionally, in order to minimize disruption to residents, workmen should only utilize the MA-designated lifts and staircases.

7. Make sure you have an extra budget for additional costs.

Renovations, no matter how carefully planned, may go wrong. As a result, a restoration budget should contain a margin, especially when condominium renovations have higher overhead. For example, you may need to include in the expense of disposing of remodeling garbage. A backup budget can often be allocated between 5% and 10% of your entire budget. Create a thorough breakdown of the remodeling estimate.

8. Get in touch with a professional to help you out

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These things can be a bit of a chore especially from dealing with all the legalities and making sure that everything is planned accurately and according to the rules of the estate. If you are new to this, it is challenging and a bit overwhelming. But you don’t have to do this alone. Professionals are there to help.

There are many contractors and Interior designing companies that have experience in doing condo renovations and they are pretty familiar with the Condo Renovation Rules Singapore and their dos and don’ts. Reach out to them and inquire about your project. Chances are, they might have undergone a previous renovation project on the same estate.

This may sound like a lot of things but all these Condo Renovation Rules Singapore processes do not make renovation less fun and exciting. In fact, it just means that you are doing the right thing and by doing the right thing and getting all the necessary things taken care of first, you can be assured that your renovation project will go as planned and as smooth as possible and you and your interior designer can have all the freedom in designing and decorating starting from there. Contact us if you need help with your condo renovation!

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