Gas Water Heater In Singapore [A Simple & Straightforward Guide 2023]

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What Is A Gas Water Heater?

The Macro Instantangeous Gas Water Heater | Image source:

A water heater warms cold water and keeps it in storage until it is required by various home appliances and plumbing fixtures. Convection is a physical principle that governs how heat rises, and it governs how a gas water heater operates.

The Singapore gas water heater can be divided into two groups: pressure-relieving instant heaters & non-pressurization-reducing storage heaters.

Fun fact: What you should know when using instantaneous gas heaters. The low water pressure of the gas instant heater is the cause of your water’s cold-hot-cold cycle. When hot water is turned on in the kitchen (while you are still in the shower), the pressure of the hot water will decrease for both the shower and the kitchen.

Gas Heater vs Electric Heater: What’s The Difference?

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Due to their superior power efficiency, gas water heaters are more likely to provide more heat and water, allowing you to supply more than one bathroom. The gas water heater system can fulfill numerous showers and can be also installed in your service balcony or kitchen, although they are often larger than electric heaters.

Electric heaters, on the other hand, due to their inferior energy efficiency, typically provide less heat and water. This is less significant if each shower has an electric heater. In comparison to gas heaters, the electric ones are smaller, but you’ll need to install one in each shower, which may not look well in your bathroom.

Gas Heater


  • Cost-effective to run (can heat the water FASTER)
  • Can be used even when there is a power outage
  • A wide variety of heater sizes available on the market
  • Energy-efficient models available


  • Requires maintenance
  • Be louder than electric heaters
  • Cost more money upfront

Electric Heater


  • Less expensive
  • Requires minimal maintenance
  • Almost no safety issues or problems
  • Consumes less energy


  • More expensive to operate
  • Can’t be used when there is a power outage
  • Takes a long time to heat water
  • There are little to no high-efficiency models available on the market

When to Use an Electric & Gas Water Heater?

There is no clear-cut winner when comparing GAS and ELECTRIC water heaters because each has advantages and disadvantages (mentioned above). However, you shouldn’t make your final decision by looking only at the list of pros & cons. Below are additional considerations to make, check them now:

1. Hot water availability


Hot water availability is not a major concern for any of the models because most homes have both power and gas connections. The main distinction is that, in the event of a power loss, a gas heater may be used but not an electric one. Similarly, if there is a problem with the gas line, a gas heater won’t work, but an electric heater will continue to provide hot water.

The FHR, or first-hour rating, is key in this situation. This gauge the amount of hot water your tank can produce in the first hour of use. One item to check for and consider is the FHR, which determines how quickly hot water will be accessible.

2. Energy efficiency

It is important to distinguish between the cost of running the appliance and its energy efficiency. We’ve mentioned in the pros and cons that gas water heaters are less expensive to operate, but this is only true because natural gas is less expensive than electricity.

The way that gas heaters operate is what makes them less energy-efficient. As was already explained, they must expel wasted gas, which removes some of the heat. There is a very minimal waste because an electric heater uses practically all of the energy it receives to heat the water. So, if energy consumption is something that deeply concerns you, think about which option is ideal for you.

3. Size


The tank’s capacity increases with size. However, point-of-origin installation is another option for electric water heaters. In this case, the water heater is smaller but is positioned right at a tap. The result is instantaneous hot water.

The area that the water heater occupies is another aspect of size to take into account. You might not want to give up a lot of space, whether you install it in your basement or utility room. In this situation, an electric water heater is preferable because it requires less space.

4. Installation Process

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Installing a water heater is quite simple. However, you still should seek the help of a professional when doing so to ensure a smooth and errorless installation. A gas heater can be swapped out with another gas model or an electric heater. An electric heater must be grounded and plumbed before installation.

5. Cost


Cost is undoubtedly a key factor to take into account when selecting a water heater. Since gas heaters are more expensive up front but more cost-effective to use, they are the better option overall. Electric heaters are less expensive to buy but more expensive to run.

Electric heaters contain fewer parts than other types of heaters, making installation simpler and less expensive. This is something to keep in mind. The total cost of owning and operating a gas or electric water heater will depend on a number of variables, including the model you select, how much hot water you consume on a daily basis, the size of your family and property, and the cost of gas or electricity in your area.

Look for the best gas water heater in Singapore if you’re in the market for a new one. Making the ideal choice for your family and your home can be aided by having an understanding of how the various types of water heaters operate, the advantages they each offer, and the locations they are often advised for.

Homeowners should be well-prepared before making a significant investment like this. We hope this blog gave you enough information about water heaters and why choosing the best one is crucial for a comfortable and convenient living.

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