How To Equip Your Toilet with Exhaust Fan


What You Need To Know About Toilet with Exhaust Fan

Most buildings in Singapore were designed around the limited land space in the ever-growing metropolis. As such, while everyone has slowly embraced the idea of living in small and practical spaces that even the most basic feature which is proper ventilation and air circulation. This cannot be more evidenced in toilets and baths where there is either a small singular window or none at all.

Without proper ventilation, moisture accumulates in the room, leading to the development of bad odor, bacteria, molds, and other health risk factors.

The best solution is by equipping your toilet with an exhaust fan. Now what exactly is an exhaust fan and how do you incorporate it in your bathroom without compromising both function and aesthetics?

The first thing you must know about exhaust fans is that they come in various styles and designs. But the most common is that of a bladed fan. What it does is that it sucks the air out of the room and into several ducts or through an opening, leaving room for fresh air to enter.

A common way of equipping the bathroom exhaust fan is by having a small opening in the wall, but for some apartments where the toilet and bath are located in areas where having an opening in the wall is non-negotiable, designers and suppliers have come up with innovative designs that solve the ventilation problem.

Below are some of the innovative designs that are employed in some of Singapore’s premiere condos and HDB/BTOs.

1. Window Mounted Bathroom Exhaust Fan


A classic method involves mounting the exhaust fan either near the window or incorporating it in the overall window’s design. While this may be considered a practical approach, it gives designers the option to create a unique design that looks as if they are simply part of the window or more. They can opt for a modernized version of the fan covered in a louver or even a seemingly bladeless fan. Just be very specific when it comes to choosing the right size. For window-mounted exhaust fans, you need to choose fans that are at least ½ of the panel.

2. Ceiling Mounted Toilet Exhaust Fan


So what happens if your toilet and bath don’t have a window? Where else can you install an exhaust fan? How about on the ceiling?

Yes, believe it or not, you can take advantage of the ceiling and install your exhaust fan there. The ceiling conceals the pipes and plumbing and even has small air ducts that help with the ventilation of the unit.

For bathroom exhaust fans, opt for exhaust fans that are seamless in the frame and are not too big or too small. Square and rectangular ones are often used, but as of late, designers have opted to use a ceiling-mounted fan that doubles as a lighting fixture. A popular design is a fixture that looks like an LED light that has a fan behind the light source. When in operation, it silently

3. Inline Fan

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A type of exhaust fan that is designed to serve multiple bathrooms. The inline exhaust fan is called such because it is installed in the middle of the pipes before the ceiling is installed. While it makes the ceiling clean to look at, it can also be difficult to replace because that would involve replacing the entire ceiling. When considering this type, it is best to consult with the installer on the maintenance upkeep as well as practical usage.

What To Consider Before Purchasing Exhaust Fans

Since there are a lot of suppliers who supply various exhaust fans, what do you need to consider when purchasing one? Many homeowners rely on professionals since they have a good idea of what type of exhaust fan will suit them better. But if you’re the type who would like to make that decision, here are two things you need to consider.

1. Air Changes Per Hour

This refers to the number of times stale air is removed from the room and replaced with fresh air. This determines the speed and efficiency of the exhaust fan you would want to use. Ideally, the air change rate should be at least 6-10 times per hour. A way to determine the rate is by dividing the cubic meter per hour rating of the proposed exhaust fan by the cubic meter of your bathroom.

2. Noise Level

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For many, toilets with exhaust fans can be quite noisy. Particularly, the sounds of the blades echo throughout the room and disturb other unit owners. Noise level is measured in decibels and the average noise level that can be tolerated is 60 decibels which is equivalent to a normal speaking voice.

Sadly, most, if not all, exhaust fans produce noise due to their heavy motors. Good quality ventilation fans have sound levels that are at least 25-40 decibels whereas subpar ones emit sound levels of 50-60 decibels. When having it installed, always consider proper maintenance and upkeep if you want your exhaust fan to last longer.

In conclusion, remember to speak of consultations when you are planning to equip your windowless toilet with exhaust fans. You must consider if your property has certain regulations about it. As much as possible, you need to consider if the area will affect the structure’s overall integrity or safety.

For HDB flats, only a registered or trained professional can install the exhaust fan. The same principle is for other managed properties and condominiums. This is done so that when the exhaust fan is properly installed, it will not compromise the overall look; the safety of the unit owners as well as the outside, and the overall comfort.

Contractors and designers can help design your toilet with the right exhaust fan that will make it less stressful on your part as well as others.

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5 responses to “How To Equip Your Toilet with Exhaust Fan”

  1. Alex Liang says:

    I need help to do something on the ventilation for the hdb common toilet since all common toilet now faced service yard instead of outside.
    My service yard is now for hanging of clothes with windows.

    Need some solutions to ventilate air from common toilet directly outside of the house.

    • Good morning, may I ask for your Whatsapp number, so we can contact back for further support please? Thank you.

  2. How much will it cost to install a window ventilator for small toilet in a condo?

    • Good morning, may I ask for your Whatsapp number, so we can contact back for further support please? Thank you.

  3. Josephine Leow says:

    Like to ask how much it cost of the ventilation fan and cost to install a new ventilation fan in toilet.

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